Risk Management & Internal Controls

For assistance, please call us at (310) 243-3867 or email a staff member directly.

For the latest CSUDH updates regarding COVID-19, please visit ndkllx.com/together.

The mission of Risk Management & Internal Controls is to promote a risk-aware culture and integrate risk ownership at all levels of the organization in identifying and mitigating issues that could result in financial or reputational loss to the campus.   

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Welch Hall WH-B 470G
Tel: (310) 243-3867 

To report an incident or condition that presents a risk to the campus, please email riskmanagement@ndkllx.com. You may also report anonymously using a campus inter-office envelope and mailing it to Welch Hall, WH-470G.